Tag: computer

e-reader, tablet, nothing, or both? :)

e-reader, tablet, nothing, or both? :)

e-reader or tablet? A girlfriend of mine recently thought about purchasing something, either a tablet or an e-reader. So we did a bit of a research. For now, she has a laptop and a smartphone. I used to be the same, but since a few […]

Best tablet and laptop for travel

Best tablet and laptop for travel

By now you probably know that I travel a lot and because of the nature of my work I have to “open up” my laptopĀ even when I am on holidays. So, over the years I learned few things what a laptop for travel needs to […]

Why you should have a power bank, and what kind to buy?

Why you should have a power bank, and what kind to buy?

I have one simple principle in my life regarding stuff: own as little as possible, and as useful as possible. Stuff shall be of adequate quality to fulfill all (but really all!) of the needs, and not even a tiny bit better than that. So […]